Trouble reporting channels: 400 service hotline is open 24 hours a day, Huajin Service Center WeChat official account and mobile APP are open 24 hours a day.
Quick Response: After receiving the user's failure report, complete the first contact with the user within 15 minutes and decide how to deal with it.
On-site service: Arrange and process within 1 hour, and feedback the arrangement to the customer in time.
Outgoing service: within 100 kilometers, the service personnel will be in place within 3 hours;
within 100 kilometers-200 kilometers, the service personnel will be in place within 6 hours;
within 200 kilometers-500 kilometers, the service personnel will be in place within 12 hours;
500 kilometers For the above or remote areas, the service personnel will be in place within 48 hours.
Service return visit: After the service is completed, WeChat pushes 100% follow-up return visit.

Почтовый ящик:
Адрес района фабрики Гуанчжоу:
101 Yong'an Avenue, деревня Чжайдун, зона развития Юнхэ, улица Юннин, район Цзэнчэн, Гуанчжоу
Адрес завода Фоган:
Промышленный парк Хуаджин рядом с национальным шоссе 106, город Цзинтоу, округ Фоган, город Цинюань, провинция Гуандун.

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